ここは、スレイヤーズ,もとい -ZELGADISS- についてのファンによる創作,妄想レポート,パロディ・コミックなどの頁です  (K's Page)
Here I show fan arts and parody comic of Slayers combined with other Japanimations(Pokemon,
Anpanman,Black jack,etc.)All the words in comics are written in English (sorry,poor) and Romaji.

short short(zel, ameria, rezo) 再録

メルアドを kururi★1km.jp ★←@ に変えましたメールフォーム
If you'd like to put my pics on other site, please e-mail me.

Using fanarts on other websites without permission is strictly prohibited * click here/ OFP
Japanese fonts required to view these site
スレ以外の別サイト→ K's PAGE - 2 (笑)